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Welcome to lesson 2 topic 6. I’m going to make this topic really simple for you. Never, I repeat. NEVER connect to a public WiFi Network. First of all, you don’t know how the network is configured to spy on you. And second, it might be a totally different network then what you think you are connecting to. Here’s an example. You go sit in a Starbucks and connect to the equally named network. You do some online activities for a while: mailing, bank checking and some private messaging. Not much later I am joining your table and tell your EVERYTHING that you have done in the past hour, including your logins and passwords.
Now I hear you thinking: how is this possible? Well I was sitting in the same Starbucks with a little device that allowed me to create my own network and call it Starbucks. Now everyone that connects to this network is passing through this device before they access the internet. I can even redirect your banking page to one that looks exactly the same, while that page gives me the possibility to steal your login information. The same goes for every website where you leave your login information. Scary right? I would also be able to see your device type and OS version. If it’s older, then a hacker might easily be able to hack into it by scanning for vulnerability’s.
So I think you got the message. If you do want to make use of the internet while you are on your way, create a hotspot with your phone. Never, ever use a public Wifi network. See you in the next lesson.