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Hi there, welcome to the introduction of lesson three: How the public and private domains are melting into each other. A lot of people see government spying and corporate Big Tech spying as two different worlds. That’s when you get arguments like: “well, I don’t really care if Google knows everything about me, because they can serve me better ads”. The last part of the sentence is actually true: the more Google knows about you, the more relevant there ads will be. BUT: is this data really only being used for ads? What if I’d explain to you that governments are introducing more and more laws to be able to access this data? You could say: well I trust the political party that’s in charge right now. But what if that changes? History has shown that democratic governments can all of a sudden change into a tyrannical nightmare. Do you then still like the idea that most of your online data is out in the open? In the rest of this lesson I will explain how governments are using different tactics to get access to more and more data. See you in the next one.